


Clicking on the Employee Benefits icon displays the Benefits – Employee [Enrollment] page.  The Beneficiaries tab displays information currently on file about employee beneficiaries (if any).

You may add a new beneficiary or edit/delete existing beneficiary details.


After Division Selection, select the Employee.


For reference, the system displays a current list of employee beneficiaries for review.



If the employee is not enrolled in a plan, there will not be any beneficiaries to list. If desired, click Enroll in a plan to enroll the employee in a benefit plan, at which time beneficiaries may be specified.


Edit Beneficiary

To update your entries, click to display the related details and enter your changes.


Delete Beneficiary

To delete a Beneficiary, click in the desired row.


Add Beneficiary

To add a Beneficiary, enter the requested information (all fields are required) and click .